Here I go again...

It’s been a while since I’ve written. Life was busy handing me some challenges that seemed to take up my time and energy. I really liked what Susan wrote in the last blog about new beginnings and intentionality in our living. She shared some of the feelings and thoughts I’m having about this time in my own life.

I needed the reminder to focus on new beginnings and being intentional about how I am present in the world because I haven’t had the bandwidth to do so for the past month. You see I contracted COVID for the second time and it kicked my butt. I’m on the mend, but it was no joke. I am a breakthrough case: I had COVID in November 2020, was fully vaccinated in February 2021, and contracted COVID again in July from another fully vaccinated person. WTH?!?!?!?!?!!!! Some of you may remember I have autoimmune disease and before I got COVID again I was advised to discontinue doing in person sessions. The transition was hard. I like meeting face to face, but I followed medical advice. To get COVID again AFTER I went online was a kick in the butt. It did a number on my mental health. It is hard to wrap my mind around the need to keep masking, social distancing and not returning to being with people, going to restaurants, the mall, indoor gatherings. I’m sad, mad, frustrated and becoming resigned to MY new normal. (I really wanted to clean it up and use the work adjusting but the truth is that it often feels more like resignation. It’s a work in progress.) It is taking some time for my attitude to shift to what I have and can do rather than what I feel like I lost. I notice myself looking for and finding more gratitude within, gratitude for beauty, small wins, and the thoughtfulness of others. I needed the reminder to focus on what I can control, do, and be rather than on what I cannot. To be intentional in my choices, attitude and present with myself in the moment. Thanks, Susan! If you need support in these areas, with your new beginnings, we can help, and we would love to hear from you! Message us on social media or on our website